Sports Inclusive

Sports INC 1st Newsletter

1st Newsletter of SportsINC project has ben released!   –   –     SportsINC 1st newsletter

Aces Italia – Euro Sport Magazine N. 9

ACES Europe è partner del progetto europeo finanziato Erasmus+ che mira a sviluppare un programma di apprendimento, di conoscenze e di abilità per uno sport sempre più inclusivoUn programma inclusivo. Sports INC è un progetto eu-ropeo finanziato da Erasmus+ che vede ACES Europe nel con-sorzio formato da Learning Detours V.A. Ltd (Cipro), Commitmentplanet-Associacao (Portogallo), Eolas […]

Aces Europe – Cities of Sport (2022-2023)

Social entrepreneurship for inclusive sports and leisure SPORTS INC. aims to develop a learning programme that gives (prospective) entrepreneurs, business owners and managers from the sports and leisure sector, as well as civil society organisations,  working with and for people with disabilities, the knowledge, skills and competences to facilitate people with disabilities or special needs. […]

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